5) Click APPLY and Save Wizard will refresh and show the name given next to any saves which match that PSN ID.4) Put in a suitable name (this can be the same as your PSN account or anything you like as long as you know which saves are linked to which PSN account.3) Double click the game name, right click on the save shown below and click REGISTER PROFILE.2) After a few moments, Save Wizard should show the supported save in grey.REGISTERING A NEW PSN ID To register a new PSN ID with Save Wizard, simply start by copying a supoported save from the PlayStation 4 to a USB drive and then inserting it into the computer. We strongly suggest that automatic updating of the PlayStation 4 and games are turned off. Quick start guide IMPORTANT! Occasionally updates to the PlayStation 4 and/or games may cause Save Wizard to lose functionality. Latest, Legit and 100% successfully tested PS4 Save Wizard Free Cracked is here, download and enjoy. Save Wizard for PS4 MAX is supported by System Software 6.00!